
(sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclock-wise, lefthandwise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left. It also means "in a direction opposite to the usual," which is how I choose to take it in using it as the title of this blog. We're all in the same world finding our own way.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 3: Good Day

I've been happy all day today: grinning like a fool since about when I woke up.
I've been dancing off the walls.
All he reads, everyone needs.
And I think I've been contagious. Because all my friends look at me and start grinning themselves. It was true at brunch. It was true while I walked to Creative Dancewear to spend $108.39 on a pair of dance shoes and a tie. And finally, it was true at dinner. It'll probably be true up in Grace and Dani's room later for movie night.
I'm happy... yay. :D
Oh, and if I did it right, the title above should be a hyperlink to a new, free song I found. Check it out.

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