
(sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclock-wise, lefthandwise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left. It also means "in a direction opposite to the usual," which is how I choose to take it in using it as the title of this blog. We're all in the same world finding our own way.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm such a bad blogger.

I feel like such a bad blogger, I haven't updated this in several weeks (and by several I mean probably over a month). So I thought I'd change that by writing a post in between my Anthro class and my physics lab.

I was up until about 4am this morning on Facebook, that black hole of time usage, chatting with this rather interesting fellow by the name of Ahren. While I've never met him in person, I know him through mutual connections we have in the Power of Hope organization.

It was because of chatting with this independent DJ earlier in the day that I'd decided to wear my free hugs shirt and give out free hugs to the residents of Nash coming in out of the cold.

Anyways, to say the very least, I was inspired, and the more I talk with this man, the more inspired I become. I know not what toward, but I know for a fact it's good. He makes me want to express my creativity and be bold and honest and catalytic. To say the least, it's been far too long since I've really felt that passion and drive to do. As part of that, I'm going to try to be better about this whole blogging thing, either here or on FB.

Despite the fact I'm about as secular as an atheist, maybe I'll make that my goal for Lent, I'll make a blog post every day, no matter how large or small, even if it's just a few words.


djahren said...

Seriously..I was sitting here reading this post with a hug grin on my face and my mouth open in amazement. I...didn't know I could have such an effect. :D
You are soo cool, ja know that. I only wish I could have been there to get one of your wonderful hugs.....or maybe five.........or twenty. Haha!
Take care my new friend :D <3

djahren said...

I can relate to the whole "bad blogger" thing as well though...I haven't posted anything on my blog in ...sheesh I don't even remember the last time. You're doing better than me ;)

Unknown said...

Oh Ahren, thanks. For both the blog comment and whatever joy I may have brought you. I mean, you deserve it, I haven't felt this happy and energetic (creatively) in a while and it's really only been since I started staying up till ungodly hours talking with you that it's happened.
Also, you can have a hug anytime.