
(sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclock-wise, lefthandwise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left. It also means "in a direction opposite to the usual," which is how I choose to take it in using it as the title of this blog. We're all in the same world finding our own way.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 22: I've suddenly lost the will to publish this post

I don't really feel in a blogging mood right now. Some stuff came up and I just don't feel up to it today. I tried dancing and free hugging, and that helped, but not that much.

I just need something to distract me from what's got me all in a twitter.

Maybe I'll start reading The Invention of Morel for my Nanotexts class. It's worth a try I guess.

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