
(sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclock-wise, lefthandwise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left. It also means "in a direction opposite to the usual," which is how I choose to take it in using it as the title of this blog. We're all in the same world finding our own way.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 23: Friday/Saturday

Wow... that was a lame title... oh well.

So I wrote the following little poems via text message sent to my email. They're just short little things, playing with words and ideas and expressing how I feel in a way that's complete nonsense to anyone not inside my head.

Poetry via text

Laying on my back.
Staring at the ceiling.
Sunlight enters through the window.
Pretty music in ears.
What is this i'm waiting for?
Blink. Blink go my eyes.
I'm dancing in my head.
The beige paint runs together.
Climbing notes higher than
the little lights scattered across the sky.

Woof Words

Isolated. Puppy dogs sleep. Waiting for that face that brings them such happiness. Curled into sunlit circles with head to tail between their legs. Dog days pass until that time when you get home.

Oh, and since I asked for a prompt, I'm supposed to write some theories about life, or at least a theory. Hmm... maybe something that inspires me.

Most libraries have a section among the non-fiction books set aside for biographies, usually in one corner or another, before or after the Dewey decimal numbers start. But the Dewey decimal system actually has a place for biographies in it, the 921s.

To most people, this is just another useless factoid, but I was born on September twenty-first, 9/21. And ever since I found out about this Dewey number, I’ve wondered, “What will my 921 look like? Will I have done anything worthy enough to deserve one?” It’s an inspiration and a curse, an idea that’s lodged itself in the back of my mind whispering at me to keep pushing, keep striving.

“Be not afraid of greatness/ some are born great/ some achieve greatness/ and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night.

I’m not yet sure if I like this voice because I’m always trying to be a humble person and I balk at the thought of someone writing about my life. Aren’t we all great in the realms we entertain? Aren’t we all the center of the circles we surround ourselves with? What but society puts individuals on a pedestal above others?

Still, it’s a thought to consider. It’s a caveat of that old admonition: live your life like no one was watching you. What you do today could be of consequence later, so make sure it’s good. In short, it’s a Western derivative of the idea behind karma.

Anybody have any ideas on this?

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