
(sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclock-wise, lefthandwise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left. It also means "in a direction opposite to the usual," which is how I choose to take it in using it as the title of this blog. We're all in the same world finding our own way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My June in Picto-Review

After a successful school year at Western, our triumphant hero takes his widdershin ways back to Puyallup for the summer.
Even after losing a pint of blood, I still color coordinate my bandage with my t-shirt.

That's the hole where they inserted the needle. I actually watched the nurse put it in this time, watched as she twisted it around searching for a vein that jumped out of the way at the last minute.

My Kombucha has been brewing for going on 11 days now. I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like except for the fact that there's a "mass" at the bottom I assume is something like a scoby.  I'm glad I happened to have that muslin cloth handy because the fruit flies seem oddly attracted to the sugary tea drink (big surprise right?)

I'm still a little pissed about this show. Miyavi made us check out cameras at the door so I didn't get any shots of the silly little j-rock/scene kids. But I got in free and had a fun night out with friends, why am I complaining?

This lovely young lady is Dani (one of many in my life) and her best friend Matt. They're the reason I got into the Miyavi concert free and hopefully one of the reason I will get hired at Regal within the next few days.

Nikko. He's an Australian shepherd, fiercely loyal to anyone in the family, but kind of anti-social when it comes to anyone else. We originally tried to name him Neko (Japanese for Cat, I know, I know, we're horrible) but since I was the only one who could pronounce it correctly, it became Nikko.

I needed to dance. I was home alone. So I threw on some music (and my fairy wings) and flew.

Came across this strange assortment of papers while walking to the library. There's a birth certificate for a boy named Nathan Gantz, his immunization records, his parent's marriage certificate among what I am certain are even more important legal documents. My only question is how did they all get here?

I can only assume that the child pictured here is the Nathan Gantz, unless he has siblings. He would be going on 6 years old now.

It was out on the side of the road for one day and then it was gone. I wish I had stopped and watched the cars slow down.

Silly Dairy Queen sign, it's "they're" not "there."

Where exactly is ahead when your message is facing the sky?

Found this pretty little yellow pansy surrounded by purple brethren beside a church while walking home from the library.

Found these two bits not 5 feet from each other while loaded down with 4 bags ($45) of groceries and texting my friend Jesse. I'm seriously amazed how I was able to pick them both.

This is the deliciousness that I had for dinner. Spinach, mushroom, onions and Monterrey Jack cheese over a garlic ranch sauce and homemade dough. It was glorious.


Finch said...

June looks like an ok month.
Make July awesome :D

Unknown said...

Those were just the things I took pictures of, which is normally how it goes isn't it? We avoid the sadness and the misery, instead only choosing to capture the happiness.

Crit said...

I are fond of the kinds of pictures you take and the kinds of stories you tell with them, and how you tell these stories.