
(sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclock-wise, lefthandwise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left. It also means "in a direction opposite to the usual," which is how I choose to take it in using it as the title of this blog. We're all in the same world finding our own way.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cycles from Celebrities

I went to Canada this past weekend,clubbing with my girls. It was a relatively uneventful experience, the usual college student in a foreign country that has a lower drinking age than home.

I went to Canada this past weekend,clubbing with my girls. It was a relatively uneventful experience, the usual college student in a foreign country that has a lower drinking age than home. Which isn't to say we went to drink. No, it's all about the dancing.

Anyways, one thing I encountered at the club, other than cute guys, alcoholic drinks and sweaty people, was a dance remix of the Beyoncé song, Single Ladies. In truth, the song - or rather, the video made me think about Nanotexts.

This happens to me from time to time. I take a class or read a book and learn something, and then I start to see those concepts everywhere. Much like the Jim Carrey movie and its basis on the 23 Enigma only with far less of an esoteric aspect. Most people would just call it good retention or being able to apply what I've learned to real life situations.

What caught me about the Beyoncé video was that in order to create a danceable beat from a pop song, whatever DJ that had mixed it had done a cut-up, which consequently was something I learned about when we were reading William S. Burroughs. Go check out the wikipedia link in 23 Enigma again. I doubt the fact that it was Burroughs who coined the term has anything to do with, well, anything, but it's an interesting coincidence regardless. A random cut-up at a dance club made me think about writing a blog post for my English class, that then made me research that mental phenomenon wherein you feel like there is a recurrence of words/ideas/numbers in your life, which leads me directly back to the source of my knowledge of cut-ups.

Life is very much circular, much like how Tony in class and on plurk, brought our talk back to Feynman's treatise on the small.

And in this way, our lives are cut-ups, cyclical, repetitious. Déjà vu is not a creation of the unconscious or the supernatural, it is the recognition of the patterns our wetware has been programmed to look for. We look back and see and apply to what is before us.

People say that if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. That may be well and true for the large scale cycles of humanity, but on the individual level, such learning happens all the time. It's how we learn to walk, to speak, to avoid the bee that stings.

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